Rubbish, rubbish and more rubbish!

What another amazing achievement our working bee’s were! In just under 2 hours, our incredible volunteers from our Friends of Capel Sound Foreshores Group collected rubbish starting from Section A near Chinaman’s Creek and swept their way through the foreshore reserve picking up rubbish.

The most common items collected were:
1. Cigarette’s
2. Cable ties
3. Bottle caps
4. Tea bags
5. Food wrappers

Every piece of rubbish that is collected means one less dangerous item for birds, fish or turtles to swallow. As Capel Sound Foreshores is an environmental reserve, we please ask all visitors to pick up your rubbish to help preserve and care for a cleaner future.

If you would like to be involved in our Friends of Capel Sound Foreshores Group, please click the link below to sign up!

Capel Sound Foreshore